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Your Voice Matters

Elevate Your Mental Well-Being with Our Services. Unleash Your Potential and Embrace a Life of Wellness.

We're Here to Listen and Guide You Every Step of the Way.

Empower Your Wellness Journey

Fully licensed, bonded & insured

We specialize in treating a wide range of mental health concerns. Get in touch to know more

Not sure what kind of care you need?

Talk to Sharmee Divan, your mental health coach, to understand how we can help.

Hi, I'm Sharmee Divan

Anxiety Expert, Author, Bach Flower Therapist and Life Coach

With over 15 years in Mental Health, I'm here to guide you on a transformative journey. Whether through counselling, workshops, or courses, my passion lies in empowering you to recognize your purpose, power, and passion for a life abundant with joy and free from anxiety.


Having touched the lives of over 7000 individuals through 300+ workshops, I bring a wealth of experience and dedication to every session.

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Certified. Responsive. Compassionate.


Ensuring absolute privacy, confidentiality, and security for your peace of mind.


Offering a judgment-free and stigma-free environment to share your concerns openly.


Alternative Therapies- We have covered you with various beneficial therapies.


Garnering trust from over 7000+ clients who’ve found our support reliable & effective.


Providing flexible connection offline or online via chat, video, or voice call according to your comfort.


Join a supportive community that assures you’re part of a caring network, reminding you that you’re not alone.

Aksheeta Selarka Parikh

Casa Vista Montessori Preschool - Director

"Sharmee conducted a workshop on Conscious Parenting for all our in-house parents. The workshop was well well-planned and executed. She engaged her audience eagerly by asking relevant questions and stating real-life examples."
Our Doctors



Bach Flower Therapy (Level 1)

This course teaches how to use natural flower essences for emotional balance and wellness.

Workshop Date: 19th April, 2024

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